50-60411-03/50-60411-53 Carrier Supra 1250 Belt Compressor to Diesel Engine

50-60411-03/50-60411-53 Carrier Supra 1250 Belt Compressor to Diesel Engine

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Carrier Supra 1250 Belt Compressor to Diesel Engine

Nomoro ea lethathamo:




Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Sehlahisoa sa boleng bo holimo sa Carrier,

e loketseng li-unit tsa Carrier Transicold Supra 1250/1250MT, tse hatisitsoeng holim'a metsi 50-60411-03/50-60411-53,

sehlahisoa se sebelisa lebokose la liphutheloana le sa nke lehlakore,

palo e tlase ea odara bakeng sa mofuta o mong le o mong ke likotoana tse 10,

e tshehetsa ditshwantsho, divideo le Mohlala wa tshebeletso.

Khamphani ea rona e sebetsa ka ho khetheha 'marakeng oa kamora thekiso ea li-air-conditioning system tsa BUS,

likoloi le likarolo tsa sehatsetsing bakeng sa lilemo tse 20.

Re sebelisa tsebo ea rona ea litsebi ho fa moreki e mong le e mong litšebeletso tsa boleng bo holimo le tse sebetsang hantle.

Rea u amohela ho botsa lintlha tse ling tsa sehlahisoa!


Supra 1250 1250MT/

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona